Water Baptism

The Vision and Commitment Course | Session 4

The Bible tells us that our response to the gospel should be to “…repent and be baptized…in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38). With all of the mystery, confusion, debate, and division in the Church over the centuries regarding the necessity, method and effect of water baptism, someone unfamiliar with Scripture might be surprised to find out just how straightforward the Bible is on the subject. In this session, we will explore what the Bible has to say about this issue and how we should respond.

The Vision and Commitment Course (V&C) is a 20-week class that explores biblical truths that for thousands of years have transformed the lives of countless believers to the glory of God. Whether you are a new believer in Christ, have known the Lord for many years, or are simply searching for truth, we know that what’s presented in this course has all the potential to transform your life radically to the glory of God.

Download the Living Light mobile app to access all the course videos and notes: https://subsplash.com/livinglightchurch/app.