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Our Mission

One Church Ministries (OCM) is an apostolic sphere of ministry which exists to care for and equip local churches through the Christ-given ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers  according to Ephesians 4:11. The OCM team, currently led by John Lalgee, focuses on serving local churches through the following:

Caring for and Planting Churches

OCM's goal is to raise up vibrant, growing churches that reflect the New Testament blueprint. To this end, we provide ongoing input and support to the growing number of churches that have either been planted or that have looked to us for help in this regard.

Establishing Biblical Foundations

One of the ways OCM supports churches is through teachings and other resources to cast vision according to the Word of God and help establish strong biblical foundations of faith and practice.

Equipping through Conferences

We offer conferences and training events that help equip the people of God. These are exciting times of experiencing God’s presence in worship and hearing His Word together.

Leadership Training

We believe leadership is essential to the future growth of the Church. The preparation of those leaders is a crucial part of the work of One Church Ministries. 

Reaching the Nations

It is our passion to see the ministry of Jesus Christ continue to be fulfilled through His Church in our day. That is why we are committed to partnering with local and global ministries. Learn more about the ministries we partner with in India and Liberia.

Outworking Ephesians 4 Gifting

It is the risen Christ that gives apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers to equip and train individual churches and local churches to grow into Christlikeness and we seek to recognize and receive them as gifts from God.


About One Church Ministries

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